Shop update #344 (6-12-24)

A friend of mine races motorcycle and his birthday is coming up at the end of the month so I made him a sign with his racing number on it.

I started with 1/4″ MDF and cut it into a 16″ wide oval with a light outline of the numbers and letters lightly etched into it for alignment.

I then cut another oval and the numbers and letters out of 1/8″ MDF.

I gave the 1/8″ MDF a couple of coats of primer and then 1 coat of black.

Once that dried for 24hrs I sanded it smooth and separated the out side oval from the inside oval.  The out side received 2 coats of red paint and the inside 2 more coats of black.

I used CA glue to attach the 1/8″ MDF to the 1/4″ MDF using the outlines of the segments for alignment.


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