Shop update #126 (3-25-20)
Thursday afternoon, I came up with an idea. Friday night, I sketched it out enough to make a material list. Saturday morning, I bought the parts. Saturday afternoon, I built it. Saturday night, I edited and posted the video to YouTube and put free plans on my website.
I give to you, The Social Distancing Doughnut!
As is often the case, I was so busy filming the project that I forgot to take very many pictures.
I also picked up a 2′ x 4′ piece of 3/16″ marker board and broke it down into 24 of 5′ x 7′ pieces so that my kids could use them as painting canvases. It cost $11 to buy and saved me at least $30 to $40 compared to buying the same amount of standard canvases at Michaels craft store. I also ended up with a few odd sized pieces for them to paint on.