Shop update #252 (8-24-22)
I was able to get a lot of woodworking done this past weekend and I am very pleased about it.
I cut the angles on the fence pickets for the top of the wishing well project.
I also got the final angles cut for the frame of the wishing well.
I then cut the angles for the legs of the cornhole boards and rounded them over with a jigsaw.
Once the legs were done, I assembled the frames.
I had some spare plywood that I cut down to size for the tops of the boards.
Once I had the 2’x4′ sheets cut, I measured, marked, cut out, and sanded the holes for the bags to fall into.
I glued and screwed the plywood onto the frames.
I had a partial can of primer and was able to get a good coat on the top of the boards and a little on the frames. I will pick up more primer this weekend and give the tops and insides of the set a solid coat.
While this all was going on I also started an Adventure Pin plaque for a scout that had bridged from his Cub Scout Pack to a Boy Scout Troop.