Shop update #98 (9-11-19)

It was busy, busy weekend with plenty of popcorn shifts, family time, and woodworking.

On Thursday the Cub Scout pack received 9 more pallets of popcorn and one of the moms was kind enough to drop a couple pallets off at my house.  One of the Boy Scout leaders was able to get some palm tree logs and he also dropped those off so that I can make some more Tomahawk targets.  I’m not sure how I am going to cut them down into manageable pieces yet.  I’m debating whether I want to try and make a giant miter saw box for them.

Saturday morning we sold some more popcorn and my wife and I had a dinner and movie date that evening.

On Sunday morning we had an opening popcorn shift and then immediately drove 20 minutes to cover a shift at another store for somebody that couldn’t make it.

That afternoon I sanded the 3 octagon washer toss games down with 220 grit sandpaper in my small cordless cat sander.

I then glued and bolted the PVC pipe end caps in place.  I also installed the latch hardware and handle onto one of the games so that I could get it on video.

Once they were smooth to the touch, I removed the hardware and gave them a good coat of oil based spray polyurethane.


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