Dual loft bed project update – 02
I actually started this project about six months ago. I cut all the pieces for the three end assemblies to length and then got sidetracked by some family health issues. I started back on the project 2 weeks ago. I was able to take the six legs and cut all of the slots out of them on the table saw with my dado blade except for the one at the very top. I did not feel comfortable making that cut with my current table saw setup so I ganged them all together and made a series of cuts with my cordless saw and then knocked them out with a hammer and then cleaned them up with a chisel..
The next step was to pre-assemble all the leg assemblies so that I could make sure everything fit and worked like I had planned it out. I drug my worktable to the back patio so that it would line up evenly with some plastic sawhorses and I put them together.
What is the old saying about clamps? This is about 1/3 of my 6″ clamps and I had every one of them
clamped onto this leg assembly.
Once I verified that everything fit and was strong enough, I took them apart and marked all the pieces with corresponding numbers.
The next step was to sand all the pieces down with 60 grit sandpaper. My goal with this sanding is to remove all the obvious splinter hazards and get rid of all the black stencil marks from the manufacturer. I spent about 6 hours sanding all the boards down this weekend.
Once the sanding was complete I stacked all the wood up back in the garage. Next weekend I hope to get them all sanded down to 120 and ready for stain and polyurethane.