My current projects

Here is a quick update on all the projects that I am currently working on:
My main focus are 2 projects for my sons’ Cub Scout Troop.  A ceremonial bridge and 3 Adventure Pin plaques.

I am also working on a FROMONA art piece.  No particular reason, it just sounded like fun.
I am working on a small BB8 plaque with my son.
Do you remember the Superman Logo shield that I made for my son’s birthday last year?  I’m making a big flash logo for a co-worker and also a shield for the Chelsea FC.  I will just be designing and cutting them out and he will be painting them with his 2 boys.
I will be having a woodworking booth at my car club’s car show again this year so I am starting to design, test, and make some items for that. 
I also received my $99 Festool sander that I ordered at the beginning of October last year.  It pretty much rained all of last weekend so I am hoping to test it out this weekend.

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