Shop update #106 (11-6-19)
As many of you may have noticed, both of my sons are in Scouting and I do a lot of camping with them. The younger one is a Cub Scout and the older one is a Boy Scout. The Boy Scout Troop has several patrol boxes that were made by some of the parents many, many years ago. They are traditional BSA design and are quite large and heavy. I have a small SUV and have wanted to make a smaller chuck box to fit in it. I have designed several different styles and sizes in Sketchup over the last year and finally decided in a version to make. It is based on the size of my Coleman dual burner stove.
I started the weekend by cleaning out my shop vacuum. I use it to clean up after my CNC machine and it was clogged with fine dust.
The first step was to build the case. It has 3 risers glued and stapled in to support a shelf above the stove. A cast iron griddle fits in the bottom shelf under the stove.
I stopped by Walmart and picked up a 4 QT cook pot and 9″ pan with a collapsible handle and various other cheap cooking utensils. I kept them all on hand and modified the dimensions to make everything fit snugly as I cut all the parts on the table saw. 8″ plastic plates are going to fit in the top left corner.
Once everything was cut to the right sizes, I gave everything a coat of amber shellac. The outer case will eventually receive 3 coats. I forgot that the time had changed that weekend and the sun went down at 5:30 pm so I had to finish everything in the dark.
I ended the weekend with applying some paint to the second business card holder prototype and gave the Heisenberg piece a coat of wipe on poly.
I let the shellac dry on the pieces outside for 2 days and then assembled everything together late Tuesday night.
I am shooting a video for this project and will also have full plans available once everything is completed.