Shop update #123 (3-4-20)
This weekend was all about plyo boxes and exploding outhouses.
One of the Cub Scout parents asked me if we could make a plyo box this weekend. I had never heard of them before so I did a quick Google search and found out that they are used for exercising. There is a pretty standard sized one that can be made out of a single sheet of 3/4″ plywood and there are plenty of videos already out there on how to make one.
I modified the design to make it slightly smaller which made the cuts a little easier.
We started by cutting the sheet of plywood down the middle. This makes the pieces easier to handle.
We then cut the 2 halves into smaller pieces according to the cut list/cutting diagram that I made.
We cut a series of 1 1/2″ holes for carrying handles and connected them with a jigsaw. I gave the handle cutout a 1/8″ roundover with my cordless trim router.
The carcass was assembled with glue and plenty of 1 5/8″ screws. My son helped us out with the last of the screws.
I then flushed everything up with the belt sander. The owner is going to do the finish sanding and will give it a few coats of polyurethane.
I was browsing the web a couple of weeks ago and came across a video from the Rock-N H Woodshop where he made an exploding toilet coin bank. I watched the video a couple of times and then my son and I made our own version. It turned out pretty cool for the first prototype. I think that it might work well for craft shows so I am going to try to make a version that I can cut on my X-Carve CNC machine.