Shop update #143 (7-22-20)
All day Saturday and for most of Sunday morning, I helped one of the Scouts from my son’s troop with his Eagle Project. We processed 23 full sheets of 3/4″ plywood. The Scout is in charge of the project, I was just there to cut the wood and make sure that we cut everything in the proper order to maximize the wood usage.
It turns out that none of the Boy Scouts had ever used a miter box. I screwed it down to the workbench and had my son teach them how to use it.
On Sunday afternoon I finished cutting the holes in the Giant Connect Four game.
I also finally mounted the 1 1/2″ strips down to the cross braces in the outdoor workbench.
We had 3 sheets of plywood left over from the project and a bunch of scraps. The Scout in charge gave me 1 sheet of plywood and all the scraps. I am currently designing a scrap plywood desk and will be building 2 of them for my sons to use while doing distance learning from home.