Shop update #15 (2-21-18) Tomahawk Throwing targets & stands
During the week I was able to glue 7 more stacks of 2×4 blocks for a total of 12. I made two frames from some more 2×4’s and screwed 6 stacks into each one for a total of 2 targets. I taped 6 sheets of paper to the top of each one and cut out the pattern for a bullseye target. I trimmed the front sides of the rear legs for the stands and then added 2 supports to hold up the targets. I placed the masked targets into the stands and spray painted the bullseyes with red spray paint. Once they were dry enough I loaded them into my car and delivered them to the camp grounds for the Boys Scouts to start practicing on.
After a few hours of being hit by the dull parts of the Tomahawks some of the central block got knocked loose so I am going to retrieve the targets next week for repair. I plan on gluing the blocks back in and then adding an OSB backer board.