Shop update #152 (9-23-20) Wood Jack O’ Lanterns
This weekend was all about wooden Jack O’ Lanterns. I batched out enough pieces to make a total of 27. 2 for my kids to build and 25 for me to sell. So far I have pre-orders for 8 of them. I needed to sell 3 to cover the price of the materials. The 8 covers the price of the materials and my time making them. Every one I sell after that will be pure profit.
During the week I had fun carving different faces and shapes with my X-Carve CNC machine. I used their free Easel software to design all of them.
My son drew his own Pumpkin face and we scanned it into the computer. I then traced it out, programmed it in, and carved it. How do you think we did?
I started the weekend by cutting 15 fence pickets down in to 110 blanks.
Each lantern has a single piece for a base and 2 pieces for the lid/top. I cut these all out of leftover plywood from the Eagle Project. I also rounded them all over on my router table.
Once we had all the pieces cut and shaped, my sons built their lanterns.
We let the glue dry for an hour and then they spray painted them black and orange.
I an going to carve more faces during the week and will finish building the rest this weekend.