Shop update #171 (2-4-21)

I was able to spend some time working on the Treasure Chest this weekend and am quite happy with the results so far.

I sanded the lid with a belt sander, evened everything out, and got the top flush with the sides.

I then set the chest up on some risers and gave the whole thing a good char with a small torch.

After that cooled off, I hit the whole thing with my detail sander with 120 grit sandpaper.

I torched and sanded a couple of extra boards and tried out some different stains and finally decided on Dark Walnut Danish Oil.  I gave the chest a good coat and now need to wait at least 72 hours for it to finish curing.

I plan on giving it 3 or 4 coats of Spar Urethane this weekend but am undecided whether I want to give it another sanding to lighten it up a little bit first.

While the chest is curing I carved some Skull & Crossbones out of some leftover cedar, gave them a roundover, shaped them with some files, and gave them a coat of Medium Walnut Danish Oil.  I plan to attach them to the front squares on the chest.

My car club is celebrating our 30th anniversary this year so I am making some plaques to donate to a raffle that we are holding at the reunion.


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