Shop update #172 (2-10-21)

A friend of mine is ramping up his project builds to sell for Valentine’s Day and asked me cut cut out some 15″ circles for him on my CNC machine.  I told him to cut his sheet of plywood down into 18 – 16″ squares and I would get them carved out for him.  He ended up dropping off 32 – 12″ squares instead.  

I made the first 2 by clamping them up, carving, unclamping, clamping the new one, carving, and then unclamping.

After that, I wised up and made a jig for the squares to fit in.  This made them infinitely repeatable and I got the carve time down to about 4 minutes each.

While those were cutting I gave the car club sign a couple of coats of spray lacquer and a good coat of black spray paint.  I forgot to mention last week that I also gave it a small chamfer along the top edges.

I also gave 2 of the skull and crossbones a light coat of heirloom white spray paint and a spritz with the black.

Do you remember Christmas of 2015?  I just looked it up and Home Depot had a great holiday special on Bessey clamps.  Once a week for the entire month I stopped by on the way home from work and picked up a pack of clamps for $19.99.  I kept them tucked away in the corner to put away once I got the shop cleaned up.  Guess what I found this weekend while cleaning the shop?

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