Shop update #2 (11-22-17)
I had a fairly productive weekend and made some good progress on the Outdoor workbench made out of only 2×4’s. As mentioned in last week’s update the legs and stretchers were already cut and assembled.
In the morning we visited a local Hindu Temple with my son’s Cub Scout Troop. Throughout the course of the year we will be visiting all kinds of different religions so that the boys can learn about them.
When we got back I went to Home Depot and picked up another 12 – 2×4’s, a quart of Bear Rug (brown) paint, and a pound of screws. My sons and I unloaded them and stacked them in the Outdoor Storage Lumber Rack that I made a few weeks ago. That thing really comes in handy.
All of the pieces had been sitting outside for 2 weeks so I sanded them with 60 grit paper to get them cleaned up and ready for paint.
I then gave them all a good layer of paint and ran out of daylight by the time I was done. Those legs are super sturdy and I can’t wait to give them the Matthias Wandel jump test.
I got back out to the project on Sunday afternoon and cut all the piece’s down to size for the bench top and bottom shelf. I sanded all of them with the 60 grit paper and then went over the top pieces of the bench with 120 grit to make it a little smoother to the touch.
The sanding took a lot longer than I thought it was going to so I was only able to stain the 2×4’s for the top of the bench by the time it got dark.
Stupid Daylight Saving Time.
The legs and stretchers will be the Bear Rug brown and the top and shelf will be the redwood fence stain color. The top will also have a couple of coats of outdoor Spar Urethane. Have I mentioned yet that the bench is going to be 8 feet long?
If everything goes according to plan I will get the bench finished on Friday and then the video edited and plans made in time to get it all published on Tuesday.
Wish me luck!