Shop update #207 (10-13-21)

We had a yard sale this weekend and in an attempt to appease my wife I put some of my “clutter” on sale.  I sold an old bird house, a couple of Jack O’ Lantern boxes, and the bridge that I made last year for the school graduation ceremony that we held at a neighbor’s house.

On Sunday I cut down enough cedar fence pickets to make 12 more Jack O’ Lantern boxes.  I am going to build these ones to order and have a plan for the leftover parts.

A friend of mine that lives in Arizona commissioned me to make 2 Jack O’ Lanterns for him and ship them out.  I carved them on the CNC after dinner, assembled them, and painted them that night.

My son and I have signed up to participate in a holiday craft held by his school district in November.  If you live in the Southern California area and would like to attend the craft fair, and would like to attend, please leave me a message on my contact page with the city that you live in and I can give you the details.

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