Shop update #212 (11-17-21) – Local Craft Fair results

My son and I have been building products for a couple of weeks for a local craft fair that I signed us up for.  It cost $10 to register and it was held on Sunday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Parent Center for our local school district.  It was designed for students and their parents to sell homemade crafts.

We made a total of 10 closed lanterns, 8 open lanterns, 5 shelf plaques made from 2×6’s, 14 – 6″ square MDF tiles, and 41 Christmas ornaments.  I knew that it was not going to be a big show and we had limited space to display so we didn’t go crazy on making too many products.

Everyone was given a basic 5 ft desk to setup their wares.  We got lucky and were setup in a corner that had a couple of tables sitting behind us so I used that extra space to place product on.  We were also the first space that everybody had to walk by to get to the rest of the vendors.

I believe that part of that luck was created by me.  The initial flyer to sign up for the event was sent out in a district wide email and my wife forwarded me a copy of it.  I immediately logged into the website and signed us up for the event within 15 minutes.  I strongly believe that I was the first person to sign up.  I also sent in pictures of  what we planned on selling the same day that it was requested and paid the $10 fee the same day that it was requested.

We sold a total of 4 closed lanterns, 2 open lanterns, 1 shelf plaque, 9 tiles (6 with plastic stands for an extra dollar), and 8 Christmas ornaments for a grand total of $169.  1/3 of the money went to my son, 1/3 went to me, and 1/3 went towards building material and consumables.  It was a good time that I got to spend with my son and teach him some lessons on producing products and then selling them.


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