Shop update #216 (12-15-21)
I pulled the bar top off of the grill surround this weekend, sanded it down, and gave it a coat of Gunstock oil based stain. I let it dry for a couple of hours and then put it back on the grill surround as it was getting dark and cold. I plan on putting a few coats of spar urethane in it next weekend.
My sons’ Boy Scout Troop had their holiday party this week and as part of the festivities, they do a neckerchief slide exchange. My older son designed a slide in Photoshop and we engraved/cut it on my laser cutter. We also cut out circles with one flat side to stack and attach to the front piece. We used superglue to stack the rings. We tried the superglue to attach the stack to the front but it didn’t work so we used hot glue instead. Overall it was a great project and the other scouts loved it.