Shop update #221 (1-19-22)

I did a little more work on the griddle surround/bar this weekend.

I bought a 15 ft extension cord and a cord holder that I mounted to the back corner of the surround.  This way I can keep the cord up off the ground and out of the way.  I mounted the receptacle end to the inside of surround like I did the other cords.

I also had to cut a hole into the top of the back right corner to allow the gas line an regulator to pass thru to the propane tank.

Once I ran the line inside I realized that I did not have an easy way to connect it to the propane tank so I removed the next panel over and then glued in some magnets to hold everything in place.  They’re not super strong but good enough to to the job.

My son and I made some breakfast for dinner on Sunday night and it was good.

You may notice the 1 plain, unfinished 2×4 behind the griddle.  I plan on picking up some cement board and mounting it to that 2×4 to give the whole thing a little bit of heat resistance.  I am also thinking of building a shelf into the left wing to add some storage and a little bit of weight.

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