Shop update #233 (4-13-22)

I received a last minute order for 4 Arrow of Light awards from my son’s old Cub Scout Pack so that is pretty much all that I worked on this weekend.

I used my CNC machine to carve 2 with a simple design and 2 with a more complex design.

I then setup my router table and gave them a simple chamfer to break the sharp edges.  This changes them from a piece of wood with writing to an actual plaque.

I masked off most of the complex ones and gave them 2 coats of yellow spray paint.  I set them aside and let them dry overnight.

The 2 simple ones were given a couple of coats of black spray paint as well and allowed to dry overnight.

The next day I sanded off the spray paint on all of them.

I stained 2 of them and let them dry for a couple of hours,

Once the stain dried I gave them all 3 coats of spray lacquer.

On Monday night I filled in the names with acrylic paint.  They are due on Wednesday night for pickup so they will get a final coat of finish on Tuesday night and a final finish sanding the next morning.  The non stained ones will darken over time.

I’m also working on a prototype for a sign to hang in my backyard.  I totally messed up the spacing on this one.

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