Shop update #260 (10-19-22) mini pumpkin boxes

On Saturday we held the Fall Court of Honor for my sons’ Boy Scout Troop.  I was in charge of feeding the 120 attendees and my team and I handled it like champs.  I am very proud of the work that we all put in to make it happen but at the end of the day I was dead tired and went to bed early.

It rained all day Sunday so I didn’t get any work done on the Wishing Well planter box.

I designed some mini pumpkin boxes to cut out on the laser engraver.  I made a couple of tests to verify the design and they turned out pretty good.

This one was made using some cheap basswood that is a little over 1/16″ thick.  I designed it for 1/8″ material and you can see that the tabs stick out a little more than they should.

I also made a bigger version out of 1/4″ MDF it is a little too thick too.  It also burnt the wood more during the cutting phase.  Overall, I am happy with the design though.

Last week I received an order for 60 leather keychains for a local elementary school so I worked on them during the week and a little bit on Sunday as well.

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