Shop update #30 (5-23-18)
My sister called me last week and asked me to cut out a large V to use as a signboard for her niece’s wedding on the 26th. She wants to paint and finish it. We went back and forth with the idea and finally settled on a 22″ x 20″ oval with a large V cut out in the middle and the date engraved at the bottom. She found a free font that she liked and sent me a link. I cut it all out on Friday night.
On Saturday morning I dropped off my older son at his Boy Scout Troop house at 8:00 am for a trip down to the Newport Beach Back Bay to go kayaking. Once I got back home I gave the top of the V a coat of dark walnut danish oil so that my sister could see what it looked like. She plans on painting the rest of it.
I made a bridge for my son’s old Cub Scout Pack a couple of years ago when he was a Webelo 2.
We sold a lot of popcorn that year and were able to start a new Pack. My younger son is in the new Pack and some of the other dads are building a giant Cub Scout bridge and asked me to engrave the Scout Law into the new treads. I started those when I got home and ran into a major issue with the CNC machine. When I lifted the router up 1 1/2″ the belt on top that controls the z axis became a little loose and slipped while making the first pass. This made the bit go 3 times deeper than I intended. One of the benefits of having to build the CNC machine is that you can take it apart and work on any problems that might arise. I was able to take the motor mount apart and get everything aligned and tightened up. This gave me enough time to get the word trustworthy cut into the first tread and then it was time to get my oil changed and then pick up my son. My sister and her husband came out for dinner and the wedding sign. We went over several option for paint and stain and they headed home.
Sunday morning was my company picnic and we got home around 3:30 pm. I was able to get another tread carved on Sunday night and then one more last night. My goal is to have the other 10 done by Friday.