Shop update #329 (2-29-24)
I was looking at the new outfeed table on Saturday and realized that I had not put any wood down for the bottom shelf. I had a 17″ x 48″ piece of OSB left so I cut it up and attached the 2 pieces to the bottom shelf with 1 5/8″ screws.
I have a pile of lumber next to the new table saw consisting of the leftover pieces from my boys’ old loft beds. Several of them are 2×6’s that have been notched for 2×4’s to run between them. I setup the table saw and cut off all the extra tab bits. I did this to clean them up and to run a test on the new saw and see how it handled 1 1/2″ stock. It performed admirably.
My son wants to make some epoxy resin based pendants for some friends at school so we made some test pieces on the laser cutter that will be embedded in the epoxy.
An old friend from work has a set of Christmas ornaments from the 1942 movie Holiday Inn. Over the years they have acquired value and he wants to safely display them in his home. He gave me some basic dimensions for the width and height of each cubby and I took it from there.
I started by building the basic carcass out of 1/2″ plywood.
I then installed the plywood dividers.
I cut some thin strips on the table saw and glued them into place on the inner dividers.
I’m going to make face frames next but I want to incorporate some small feet into the design and haven’t come up with a good plan yet.
I bought a feather board from Amazon and tested it out as a makeshift thin strip jig.