Shop update #57 (11-28-18)
I spent most of Black Friday working on plans for the Treasure Chest Cooler Box and finishing up the video. It was released late Friday night and has been performing okay so far.
On Sunday I added some paint stir stick risers to the hidden compartment on the cooler box for some fine tuning.
I then stopped by Home Depot and picked up some 2×4’s.
Do you remember when my son and I took apart the prototype lawn chair? I cut those boards and half of the new 2×4’s into 1″ x 1″ strips for my next project. Hint, it’s going to involve the TV lift that sent me.
While I was cutting the reclaimed chair up I didn’t notice a large knot in one of the 2×4 pieces and the table saw shot it back and into my stomach. It didn’t break the skin but it left a red mark and stung for a good half hour.
While clearing off the table saw to take outside I found a piece that I had cut on the X-Carve CNC machine months ago. I gave it a solid coat of spray poly, let it dry, and then shot it with some metallic silver spray paint. I’ll give it a good sanding this weekend and hopefully it’ll turn out pretty cool.