Shop update #75 (4-3-19)

I attended the Forbidden Fantasy Car Show in Laughlin this weekend and was trying to get the Giant Jenga Drinking game finished up in time for it.  But alas, it was not to be.

I stayed up until 1:30 am on Wednesday night carving the drinking rules into the blocks.  I was able to get them all carved and give half of them a coat of amber shellac.

I broke out the table saw as soon as I got home from work on Thursday night and cut out all the pieces to make 2 carrying cases for Jenga games.  I determined that I was not going to have enough time to finish the drinking game properly so I concentrated on making a case for a new basic set that I planned to make on Friday morning.

One of my friends in the Forbidden Fantasy car club asked me to engrave the club logo onto a large skateboard for him so I took care of that Thursday night as well.

First thing Friday morning I ran over to Home Depot and picked up 4 – 8 ft 2 x 3’s and 2 – 6 ft 1 x 12’s.  I cut the 2 x 3’s into 7 1/2″ lengths and then routed the ends and gave them a quick sanding.  I stored the 1 x 12’s in the shop to make into some more Cub Scout Adventure Pin plaques next week.

Once I got the blocks done, I finished assembling the carrying case and cut out some simple handles on the sides.

I drove up to Laughlin for the 3 day car show on Friday.  (You can see full coverage at

I donated the Giant Jenga game to their raffle, held on Sunday, but set it up Saturday morning near the raffle booth so that people could play with it during the day.  I stapled business cards to the bottom of the case in the off chance that somebody might take one.

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