Shop update #93 (8-7-19)

This weekend wasn’t quite as productive as I had hoped it would be, but it was also 100° outside both days…

My son volunteered to help his Boy Scout troop at the annual Relay for Life cancer fundraiser event.  The team that they help is Star Wars themed so Saturday morning I took the back off of the Storm Trooper chair and loaded it into the back of my car.

Once we got there I loaded it onto a folding cart and moved it the quarter mile from the parking lot to our booth and reassembled it.

It attracted a lot of interest and I handed out quite a few business cards.

We helped packed everything up Saturday night and got home around midnight.


Sunday morning I worked on the 3rd style of washer toss game for the video that I am making until the sun made it’s way to the work bench and it got too hot to work outside.

I then made a quick trip to Lowe’s to buy some more 3″ pipe and some clasps to hold the 2 parts of the box together.  It’s always hit or miss as to whether they will have the clasps in stock or not.

I came back after dinner and checked on my work and discovered that I had glued the blocks on to the wrong pieces so I had to cut two new ones.

Once I got them cut, I was able to finish up enough parts to make 2 complete boxes.

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